30 August 2022

Welcome back
I do hope everyone has had a fantastic Summer holiday.
As we launch into a new academic year we are looking forward to all the brilliant things our wonderful children are going to achieve over the next few months.
Please keep checking Class Dojo and the school Web-site and Facebook page for updates (we are reducing the amount of paper we send out but if you need a paper copy of anything please let us know)
Class Newsletters / Class Guide
Please read the Class Newsletter & Guide that will go out on Class Dojo and will be on the school web-site class pages. It will tell you all you need to know for this term (including when PE is – see below)
OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning)
We will continue to develop our Lunchtimes with OPAL over this year. The children love it and we will be having another fun Open Afternoon for parents on Friday 30th September at 1.45pm
Children will be going outside no matter what the weather so please send in a pair of wellies and make sure they have a water-proof coat in school with them each day (if you have any spare wellies for children who don’t have any that’d be great)
COVID-19 update
As you know we are now in the phase of 'living with COVID' and treating it like other infectious diseases.
Testing is no longer a routine requirement and the advice now is that:
- children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people. They can return to school when they no longer have a high temperature, and they are well enough to attend (like with any other illness)
As we head towards the Winter ‘flu-season’, and if there is a rise in cases, we will let you know if there are any changes to the advice.
On the days when your child is doing PE they can come to school in PE kits (they can wear their jumper/coat over the top of their PE kit on the way to school and leggings/tracksuit bottoms) On other days we ask the children to come in their school uniform (if you are struggling to buy school uniform let us know – we have a lot of spare jumpers and uniform that might be the right size)
PE days for the classes are:
Nursery and Reception (to be confirmed on Class Dojo and web-site)
Year 1 (Dorado): Wednesday and Thursday
Year 2 (Orion): Wednesday and Friday
Year 3 (Hercules): Monday and Thursday
Year 4 (Pegasus): Monday and Tuesday
Year 5 (Leo): Tuesday (Swimming is on Thursday morning – message will go out on Class Dojo)
Year 6 (Phoenix): Friday (Swimming is on Thursday morning – message will go out on Class Dojo)
- Mrs Wright is available if any families need support during these tough financial times (see our school web-site on the 'Family support' page for information about help available or phone 01772 422503 and ask for Mrs Wright)
Morning toast and fruit
For children in Y1 to Y6 we offer a mid-morning snack made by the kitchen for morning break at 10.20am
Toast - 20p; Fruit 40p (or 20p for half) – or you can send in a healthy snack with your child for morning break (no chocolate bars or sweets or fizzy drinks please!)
‘School Money’
‘School Money’ is our online payment system which we use for all payments including school lunches, breakfast and after school clubs and nursery fees. We will send you a login to register once your child has arrived at school. We ask that you pay promptly, keep the account topped up and do not allow arrears to accrue. Please see the Seven Stars Primary School Payment Policy on our web-site for further details. You can access School Money through the app or through the website: School Money (any problems contact Mrs Pullin on 01772 422503)
Meet the Team
We will be inviting parents/carers to come and meet the class teams over the first half-term. This is so we can let you see where your child is learning, find out about the specific things your child will be doing in their class, what the curriculum will be and answer any questions you may have.
The dates for ‘Meet the Team’ parent meetings (3.30pm to 4pm) are:
Nursery and Reception: Friday 23rd September 3.30pm
Year 1 (Dorado): Thursday 8th September 3.30pm
Year 2 (Orion): Monday 19th September 3.30pm
Year 3 (Hercules): Thursday 22nd September 3.30pm
Year 4 (Pegasus): Monday 12th September 3.30pm
Year 5 (Leo): Friday 9th September 3.30pm
Year 6 (Phoenix): Friday 16th September 3.30pm
Galaxy Class: Monday 26th September 3.30pm
Reception class (Rockets)
During the first week back Rockets children will be in school for the morning only to 12 noon (unless you have made a separate arrangement with Mrs Hollinghurst)
They will then be with us full-time from Monday 12th September
Hothersall Lodge (Year 6)
There will be a meeting on Thursday 6th October at 3.15pm for Year 6 parents about the residential at Hothersall Lodge (16th to 18th November). Please make sure that you are keeping up to date with payments for the trip using ‘Schoolmoney’. If you are not sure contact the office and speak to Mrs Pullin.
Key Dates for your diary for Autumn 1 (these will be added to as the term progresses)
Monday 5th September – children return to school
Monday 12th to Friday 16th – We Love Reading Week (children will chat about their favourite authors)
Tuesday 20th September (2.30pm to 3.15pm) – ‘Phonics Shed’ meeting for all parents about the scheme we use with the children to help teach them to read and write (so you know what to do at home). You can see more at:
Thursday 22nd September to Tuesday 27th September – Scholastic Book Fair when there will be books and other items for sale in the school hall (or playground if weather is nice) at the end of each school day
Friday 30th September 1.45pm - OPAL open afternoon for all parents/friends
Friday 30th September 2.45pm – Macmillan Cancer Support Coffee & Cake afternoon in the hall
Thursday 6th October 3.15pm – Year 6 Parents Hothersall Lodge (residential) meeting
Thursday 13th October – Nasal Flu Vaccinations (Reception to Year 6)
Friday 21st October – Break up for the half-term holidays (return Tuesday 1st November)
Please keep checking Class Dojo, Facebook and the School web-site for updated information