School Uniform
You will find details below of our school uniform at Seven Stars school.
We do not expect any parent to buy branded items of clothing and are quite happy for your child to come to school in clothes that are as close as possible to our school uniform colours and design. We have deliberately chosen a uniform expectation that can easily be purchased for low cost from most stores.
We do have good condition second hand items in school and would recommend that you get in touch with school to ask if we have an item of clothing in your child’s size and we will provide whatever uniform we can from our store (or try to get hold of an item)
Ring 01772 422503 to speak to the office or email
Please feel free to pop into school and have a look through our spare clothes in school – there may be something just for you!
If you are struggling to buy school uniform, PE kit or shoes for your child’s school day then please get in touch and we will do our best to help out.
Your child will be in school having fun and this will often mean getting muddy, messy and wet. This is all part of learning and where possible we will attempt to wash and dry any clothes in school that do get in a state, but there will be times when your child will go home messy having had a fun day of learning! This is part of their education but we will try to keep it to a minimum (if possible!)
A pair of wellies is also going to be important for all ages of children throughout the school. We have such great outdoor learning areas that we need to use them as much as possible!
If you have any spare school uniform, PE kits, shoes, coats or wellies that you don’t need anymore and no-one to give them to please bring them in to school and we can pass them on.
Our school uniform can be purchased from our school uniform supplier who is:
Leyland Shop 01772 431431
Children from year one to year six wear a red uniform:
- Red school sweatshirt/cardigan
- White polo shirt
- Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
- Red gingham dress
- Black shoes (not trainers)
Children in our nursery/reception class wear their own distinctive uniform consisting of:
- Green school sweatshirt/cardigan
- White polo shirt
- Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
- Green gingham dress
- Black shoes (not trainers)
Our P.E kit is simply a plain white t-shirt, dark shorts (black or navy) and pumps. At key stage two, children will also require an outdoor kit (including trainers).