Click on the link below for advice from the NHS is you are finding your child's behaviour difficult:

NHS SUPPORT for parents struggling with children's challenging behaviours

Please get in touch with school if you are struggling with behaviour issues at home. Often there is a reason for it but we can support with ideas, strategies, a listening ear and in some cases we can find specialist support (speak to your child's teacher in the first instance or ring 01772 422503 or email

It helps us if we work together to all help our children relate well so they can reach their full potential. 

Click on the links below for ideas and strategies to support relational approaches to help with children's social, emotional and mental well-being and have a positive impact on their behaviour for learning and engagement with others.

Restorative Justice 4 Schools

Strengths and Difficulties

Communication Supporting Classroom Observation Tool

Child Trauma Web-site

Anna Freud resources

DfE Mental Health and Behaviour in Schools

GHIST (Golden Hill Inclusion Support team)
