All SEVEN STARS PRIMARY SCHOOL Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies are updated annually. 


How we keep our children safe:

  • At SEVEN STARS PRIMARY SCHOOL we are committed to promoting the safeguarding and welfare of our children
  • Our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy explains how we work together to keep our children safe
  • Copies of this policy and other school copies are available free of charge from our school office
  • Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Deborah Wright (Family Support Manager and member of Senior Leadership Team)
  • We have four other Designated Safeguarding People (DSPs) who are equally and regularly trained: Mike Mitchell (Head teacher, PREVENT Lead and Safer Recruitment Lead),  Cathy Walsh (Deputy Head & SENCo); Sharon Moor (Inclusion & Attendance Mentor) and John Buchanan (Key Stage Two Leader)
  • Our lead governor with responsibility for safeguarding is Carol Stunell (chair of Governors)

Please click on the links below to view our school safeguarding policies and information.


Safeguarding Documents


The SEVEN STARS PRIMARY SCHOOL Code of Conduct for School Employees is our Staff Handbook.


This details how staff fulfill the responsibilities of their roles as SEVEN STARS PRIMARY SCHOOL employees and apply our SEVEN STARS PRIMARY SCHOOL Professional Standards.


We have developed a wider range of policies to ensure we provide a safe and secure learning environment for all our children. Paper copies of these polices can be provided free of charge by our school office and can be found at the policies section of this web-site

These include: SEVEN STARS PRIMARY SCHOOL Emergency Evacuation and Lockdown Procedures, First Aid and Accident Procedure, Health and Safety Policy and a wide range of risk assessments.


SEVEN STARS PRIMARY SCHOOL staff and governors attend annual safeguarding training and receive regular safeguarding updates throughout each academic year.


The Annual Child Protection training and update for SEVEN STARS PRIMARY SCHOOL staff took place on 9th November 2021 (further training for staff who were not able to attend that event will take place in the Spring term of 2022)


The Designated Safeguarding Lead and Persons are fully trained to lead this role and attend full annual training additionally.


SEVEN STARS PRIMARY SCHOOL staff our PREVENT lead is Mike Mitchell (Head teacher) who has undertaken Prevent training and we follow the NOTICE, CHECK, SHARE, ADVICE model in the event of possible concerns regarding extremism

To ensure all staff appointed to work at SEVEN STARS PRIMARY SCHOOL are suitable and safe to work with our children we always apply safer recruitment practice.


The Headteacher and School Business Manager have completed safer recruitment training.

SEVEN STARS PRIMARY SCHOOL staff receive a range of additional training and guidance that further enables them to maintain the safety of our children.


This includes (where relevant): Health and Safety Training, Fire Evacuation (including drills), First Aid, Educational Visits and COSHH training.



Child Sexual Exploitation, or CSE, is a form of sexual abuse whereby children/young people are manipulated or coerced into sexual activity for receiving ‘something’ such as; gifts, money, food, attention, somewhere to stay etc.

Technology is very often used to groom victims.  This may occur through social networking sites and mobile phones with internet access.

CSE has gained a large amount of media attention over the last year as lots of services involved with children and young people have noticed a big rise in cases involving CSE.

Charities such as NSPCC and Barnardos have been campaigning to raise the profile of this form of child abuse.  Information regarding CSE can be found here:


Barnardos CSE

PACE (Parents Against Child Sexual Exploitation) is a national charity that works with parents and carers whose children are sexually exploited. PACE offers one-to-one telephone support, national and local meet-ups with other affected parents and information on how parents can work in partnership with school, police and social care:



Safeguarding within the SEVEN STARS PRIMARY SCHOOL Curriculum


Through our SEVEN STARS PRIMARY SCHOOL 'Open Doors' curriculum we teach our children about their own safety and continually share safe messages and information at every opportunity. This includes regular updates about online safety, maintaining personal safety, anti-bullying messages and equality work. We use guidance and information provided by the NSPCC to support our teaching of safe messages and resources from the PSHE Association and 1Decision (PSHE scheme)


Our teaching of PSHE ( Personal, Social  and Health Education) enables children to be taught about personal safety, hygiene, feelings, emotions and to maintain healthy lifestyles. This includes work about dental hygiene which is a local priority.


SMSC (Spiritual, moral, social and cultural education) themes and messages are taught across all subjects ensuring our children develop a wider understanding of equality, develop empathy and a reflective approach to their daily lives.


Through our ‘Open Doors’ curriculum we promote safeguarding in all aspects of their education through:


  1. ‘Key Skills’ (Reading, Writing and Maths skills are essential to help children stay safe in terms of interacting safely with their world e.g. reading instructions and signs; administering correct doses; understanding essential life skills and achieving a financially secure future)
  2. ‘The World’ (tolerance and respect of other cultures and people is key to a safer world)
  3. ‘Healthy Lives’ (knowing about and developing physical, mental, emotional, relational and financial ‘fitness’ is the foundation for a safe and happy life and within this understanding what makes a safe and respectful relationship is key)
  4. ‘Creativity’ (to express ourselves, including our emotions, in more ways than simply words is key for many of our children for their well-being but also to communicate things they may not be able to in other ways. To solve problems creatively empowers them to make decisions and grow in confidence)
  5. ‘Communication & Language’ (to use increasingly accurate vocabulary and learn how to communicate effectively is essential to their personal safety and well-being but also being able to listen well is key for the well-being of others)


Health and Development


Safeguarding is also defined as supporting the health and development of our children.


At SEVEN STARS PRIMARY SCHOOL we promote the health and well-being of all our children in order to maximise their readiness to learn.


To support the health needs of children with more serious medical conditions, school staff receive training and regular updates on any relevant issues such as: Anaphylaxis/Allergies -  Epi-pen training,practices reviewed regularly with class teachers, staff aware of allergens

Our School Nurse is available to visit school to provide help and support for parents and carers.


Sex and Relationships Education (see our PSHE and RSHE Policy)

Children in Year Five and Six are taught the statutory requirements of the Science aspects of the National Curriculum.

Children in Y6 take part in further work to ensure they are prepared for their KS 3 transition and they have a strong focus on healthy relationships (on-line and off-line)


Further information to keep your children safe

Please see the  blue links below if you would like further information about sharing safe messages with your children.

Sexual harassment in schools: how should parents respond?




Family Support and links to support