Statement of Intent for PSHE including RSE
'To create a happy, secure and exciting LEARNING environment in which every member of the school community can grow in confidence and reach their full potential'
Seven Stars Primary School
At Seven Stars Primary School we believe that PSHE is fundamental to the development of the individual potential in all our children. It is recognised at Seven Stars Primary School as crucial to our children’s development as responsible, confident and considerate people. PSHE provides the means by which young children are taught to reflect upon themselves and their behaviour towards others.
How does PSHE promote Seven Stars Open Doors Curriculum?
Door 1 – Key Skills
Develop reading and comprehension skills when reading for information about key issues and concerns (including First News and texts appropriate to age of pupils)
Write diary accounts, information about key aspects covered, reports on key issues, reviews of current concerns
Mathematical analysis of statistics for issues related to PSHE e.g. health statistics, voting about key issues
Door 2 – The World
Provide a curriculum that enables all children to develop a growing knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the world (local and global).
Door 3 – Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, Healthy Lives
Provide a curriculum that enables our children to be strong, fit and active. We want our children to be healthy; to have a healthy image of themselves as individuals and for our children to recognise the uniqueness of every individual.
Door 4 – Creativity
Explore PSHE (including emotions) through the arts (e.g. paintings, music, sculptures, poetry) and identify how emotions, relationships and aspects of PSHE have been expressed over the ages (e.g. Munch the Scream, moods in songs and music, portraits)
Develop children’s ability to express their own feelings and relationships creatively
Door 5 – Communication & Language
Expand children’s vocabulary in talking about issues of relationships, health, emotions ensuring they have increasingly sophisticated words to express their ideas with increasing effect
Develop their ability to listen to others (sharing experience and valuing each other’s opinions and ideas)
Provide forums for healthy and respectful debate around key topics discussed during PSHE sessions
To understand the reproductive process in humans and animals, using the correct vocabulary for body parts in line with the Science National Curriculum and the schools Safeguarding policy
Intent for PSHE including RSE
Our aims for PSHE(RSHE) are to provide exciting, enjoyable learning that opens doors to knowledge and skills, the world, health, creativity and language in line with Our Open Doors Curriculum.
Intended Outcomes
Door 2 – The world
- Show respect for all cultures and in doing so, to promote positive attitudes towards other people.
- Enable children to understand their community, develop good relationships and help them feel valued as part of this community.
- Help children grow into reliable, independent and positive and active citizens within a democratic society.
- To help children understand and demonstrate British values, SMSC and the school values.
- To raise children’s aspirations, their career opportunities, an awareness of climate change and the importance of earning and saving money.
- To encourage children to think about the religious and cultural attitudes around sex and relationships.
Door 3 – Healthy body, healthy mind, healthy lives
- Educate children to they have an understanding of the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
- Enable children to become confident, resourceful, enquiring and independent learners.
- Foster children’s self-esteem and respect for themselves and others.
- Equips children with the knowledge and skills necessary to make choices and decisions.
- To help them build positive relationships with other people and to understand what makes a good relationship.
- Develop children’s self-respect and encourage children to respect the ideas, attitudes, values and feelings of others.
- To deliver a planned programme from nursery to Year 6 to enable children to understand and value their bodies as well as develop positive attitudes and values towards their individuality.
- To equip them with the knowledge and skills to be able to keep themselves safe, protect themselves from harm and abuse and to know where they may get help and advice (online and offline).
- To understand the reproductive process in humans and animals, using the correct vocabulary for body parts in line with the Science National Curriculum and the schools Safeguarding policy.
How do we deliver PSHE at Seven Stars Primary School?
- Medium term planning is given to all staff which has been developed by PSHE lead through consultation with parents/carers, governors, staff, children and local and national data (based on the KAPOW scheme of work).
- All classes have a weekly PSHE lesson which build on prior learning. This is usually taken from the MTP but will sometimes be in response to a class need.
- Teachers use a wide range of quality assured resources as signposted by the PSHE Association and KAPOW.
- Teachers are free to teach the units as they see fit within their own class curriculum. However, RSE is taught in Autumn or Spring.
- All classes celebrate a SMSC event each term and produce work to celebrate this. This is displayed on the SMSC notice board and scrapbook as well as in our SMSC assembly.
- Visitors such as emergency services and the school nurse complement our PSHE curriculum to offer additional learning after careful consideration and preparation.
- Every Monday, all classes access world news through Picture News to provide children with a knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the world around them.
- All classes have PSHE scrapbooks which they use to record whole class ideas.
- Children have a good understanding of the values at Seven Stars and these are often referred to within lessons.
- Assessment in PSHE takes place through a high range of qualitative assessment methods such as before and after mind maps, quizzes, draw and write, continuum etc. This assessment then informs the teachers planning.
- Each year, the curriculum is reviewed by the teaching team and adapted to meet the needs of the cohort or to plug any gaps in learning.
The impact of our PSHE teaching is evident in our whole school life and values. It shows through the children’s behaviour, attitude to learning and their care and respect towards one another.
- Children will have the skills and attitudes needed to approach a range of real life situations.
- Through exposure and PSHE education, children will build up tolerance and acceptance for each other, regardless of their differences.
- Children will have a secure understanding of, and be able to apply, the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual respect, Rule of law and Liberty.
- Children will have a healthy attitude towards schools life.
- Impact is measured through qualitative assessment as mentioned above. In addition, we measure impact by carrying out annual pupil/staff/parent questionnaires and interviews as well as working closely with the Pupil Parliament.
Here is an update of where we are up to in PSHE at Seven Stars Primary School:
- A new curriculum has been implemented which allows staff 'spare' lessons which they will use to incorperate events such as SMSC events, Safer Internet Day, Anti-Racism lessons etc.
- The school are using quality assured resources from the PSHE association as well as resources from KAPOW.
- We have had several visitors into school including the fire service, police and RNLI.
- Mr Souter has continued to come into school to work with children in year 5 and 6 looking at money management.
- Road safety sessions are planned for this year to run in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2.
- Pupil Parliament have been elected.
- SMSC assemblies are planned in and the scrapbook and display are regularly updated.
- All classes have a PSHE display which has a focus on vocabulary and school values.
- All children have their own PSHE folder.
- All classes use Picture News.
Next steps
- To embed our assessment procedures in PSHE.
- To begin to make links between SMSC/values and our curriculum.
- To monitor PSHE teaching and resources alongside a nominated governor.
- Staff termly newsletter with updates etc.
- Parent/carers termly newsletter with updates etc.
- Personal journals for the children in school to allow them to reflect on their own mental health.