Welcome to Dorado's Class Page!

We are the wonderful Year 1 class, our class teacher is Miss Mault (Tuesday to Friday) and Mrs McDonald (Monday). Have a look at our page to find out about the exciting learning we do in Year 1.

Mrs Enzor and Mrs Smith will support us in class. 

Things to know about…

Year 1 is a very busy year as we start working on the National Curriculum. There is so much to learn but we always have lots and lots of fun.

Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Children can come to school in their PE kits on those days. Also please make sure children have their earrings removed.

Please listen to your child read regularly at home. It is very important that the children bring their reading book into school everyday. On a Tuesday and a Friday reading books will be changed. 

If you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to speak to any staff member from the class.

We hope you enjoy looking at our page and watching us grow throughout the year!


Here are some fantastic home learning links.

Games for kids and early years activities - CBeebies - BBC

KS1 - England - BBC Bitesize

Maths games - bitesize

Learning to Count with these fun Counting Games (topmarks.co.uk)


PhonicsPlay - Resources

Phonics Games for the Classroom and Home - Phonics Bloom

Year 1

Y1 Maths

Year 1 Science

Dorado Class Newsletters
