At Seven Stars school we are committed to improving the life chances for all the children in our care including those deemed to be most vulnerable or disadvantaged. We are a highly inclusive school where ‘every child matters’ and our intent is to ‘open doors’ for our pupils into successful learning and successful lives through high quality teaching and learning based around an exciting and sequenced ‘open doors’ curriculum.

We believe that every child can reach their full potential with the right opportunities and support, and through our school values we encourage all our pupils to be contributors to the well-being of others throughout society.

As a school, we strive to ensure that our Pupil Premium children have excellent learning and experiential opportunities, both inside and outside of school.

All teachers, support staff and school leaders are involved in the accurate gathering and analysis of assessment data, monitoring of learning and identification of pupils’ needs. This results in a strong awareness of their strengths, areas for development and context throughout the school and a clear plan for intervention and support for each pupil and group of pupils.

At Seven Stars school we provide a culture where:

  • Staff believe in ALL children
  • Staff adopt a “solution-focused” approach to overcoming barriers
  • Staff support children and parents/carers to develop ‘Learning Powers’ (participation; concentration; resilience and pride)
  • The mental health and well-being of our children and families are supported

We support pupils through additional adult support, targeted interventions and group work. Regular analysis and monitoring is carried out to ensure that our children are receiving the best and most relevant provision for their needs.

The priorities for our eligible learners for this academic year (based on key barriers to learning) are:

  1. Providing pastoral care support to children and families of learners to ensure children are ready to learn
  2. Providing additional support staff within the classrooms to ensure pupils’ learning needs are met in real time in lessons, to support in-class or additional interventions to accelerate progress
  3. Providing support from additional professionals including Educational Psychologists, Behaviour Consult- ants and Speech and Language specialists to ensure the most accurate and effective targeted support for children with specific barriers to their learning
  4. Providing access to wrap around care for children for whom this would benefit their daily attendance and readiness for school
  5. Enabling the provision of high quality therapeutic interventions (e.g. Drawing and Talking therapy, bereavement support) to address issues of attachment, emotional dysregulation, low esteem
  6. Provide Welfare and wellbeing support monitoring attendance, meeting with parents and making appropriate referrals to agencies and external intervention where necessary
  7. Provide access to a range of resources (including IT) to support learning in and beyond school
  8. Support children with access to enhanced provision including clubs, visits and visitors


Pupil Premium