PE Curriculum Map 2022-23
The Intent, Implementation and impact of our Physical Education Curriculum
Our Curriculum Lead for PE is Miss Thomson, but we are also lucky to have Mrs Jones Lancashire Level 5 PE specialist.
Physical Education (PE) develops children`s knowledge, skills and understanding. This ensures they can perform with competence and confidence a range of physical activities. Physical Education promotes an understanding in children of their bodies in action. We call this 'movement vocabulary'. It involves thinking, selecting and applying skills. It also promotes positive attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle. We enable children to make informed choices about physical activity throughout their lives.
We intend that every child, irrelevant of their needs, develops a passion for Physical Education. We aspire for them to seek out and embrace the wide range of sporting opportunities provided at Seven Stars Primary school and take up clubs further afield. We aim for every pupil:
- to become technically proficient.
- wholeheartedly drive both competitive and non-competitive sporting opportunities
- to lead a healthy, active lifestyle.
Door 1 - Core knowledge and skills (Through Physical Education we aim to support this philosophy by):
- Fostering the enjoyment that taking part in physical activity and sport can bring.
- Enabling children to develop and explore physical skills with increasing control and coordination.
- Encouraging children to work independently and with others (pairs/groups)
- Developing the way children perform Fundamental skills such as running, jumping, throwing or catching.
- Applying rules and conventions for different activities
- Showing children how to improve the quality and control of their performance.
- Teaching children to recognise and describe how their bodies feel during exercise.
- Learning how to make healthy lifestyle choices.
- Developing the children`s enjoyment of Physical activity through creativity and imagination.
- Developing an understanding of how to succeed in a range of physical activities, and how to deal with success and loss.
At Seven Stars Primary School we know that children learn best when the curriculum is well sequenced. Children revisit core knowledge, skills and understanding to deepen conceptual awareness. This can be applied across all curriculum areas. Please see the P.E progression of skills documents ( held in school). These outline how the key skills are developed, revisited and built upon during EYFS to Year 6.
Door 2 - The World
The way in which pupils work together in lessons supports their social development. Groupings allow children to work together and give them chance to discuss their ideas and performance. Their work in general enables them to develop a respect for other children`s levels of ability. they will co-operate and compete across a range of activities and experiences. PE planning begins with basic acquisition. It progresses to the application/ refinement of these skills in competitive game formats. ALL pupils develop moral and social characteristics through competition. They experience adhering to rules, scoring and officiating, dealing with success and loss. Our dance curriculum enables pupils to respond to spiritual and cultural opportunities.
Door 3 - Healthy body, healthy mind, healthy lives
Children learn about the benefits of exercise and healthy eating. They then learn how to make informed choices about these things. Every pupil and staff member completing our active breaktime ( running a mile, skipping or any other physical activity completed during afternoon break) is an example of this philosophy. As part of our PE curriculum plan, Year 6 complete a Health related fitness unit. Children use their knowledge of health and fitness and the links with Science, PSHE and DT. They learn about the different types of Fitness and about exercise safe practice.
Door 4 - Creativity
Our dance and gymnastic units enable children to work as part of groupings ( pairs or small groups) to create, plan and perform dances or gymnastic sequences. These are sometimes linked to class topics such as in Year 5 whilst learning about the Tudors the children develop a Tudor dance.
Door 5 - Communication and language
PE contributes to the development of speaking and listening. We encourage children to describe what they have done. They discuss how they might improve their performance and the performances of others. Children subject specific vocabulary linked to each unit of PE for example games units of dance units of work.
Implementation - How are we going to achieve our intent
All classes take part in 2 hours of National Curriculum PE per week. There are many other ways that our physical activity time is enhanced:
- Active breaktimes - where classes take part in a physical activity such as daily mile, skipping or physically active games.
- Break and lunchtime play equipment/ play leader sessions.
- Active Math`s or English lessons
- Residential educational visits ( Year 6 Hothersall Lodge)
- Gardening
- A wide range of extra curricular opportunities such as afterschool clubs or local sports events ( e.g. Year 5 & 6 Football)
As required in the National Curriculum we teach dance, games, gymnastics, swimming and water safety, outdoor and adventurous activities and athletics.
At Seven Stars Primary School we use a variety of teaching and learning styles in PE lessons. Our principal aim is to develop children`s knowledge, skills and understanding. We do this through a mixture of whole class teaching and individual, pair or group activities. Teachers draw attention to good examples of individual performance as models for the other children. We encourage children to evaluate their own work as well as the work of other children. Within lessons we give children the opportunity both to collaborate and to compete, and they use a wide range of resources. in all year groups children have a wide range of abilities. We provide suitable learning opportunities for ALL children by personalising the curriculum intentions to meet their needs.
The curriculum planning in PE is carried out in three phases ( Long term, medium term and short term). The long term plan maps out the PE activities covered in each term during each key stage ( this document has been attached at the bottom of this page). This is devised from the previous years breath of coverage in conjunction with the ' competition calendar'. We use the Lancashire Scheme of work progression of skills grid. Using this class teachers follow the Lancashire scheme of work progression units and adapt these to suit the needs of the children in their class.
We plan PE activities so that they build upon the prior learning of the children. Children of all abilities develop their skills, knowledge and understanding in each activity area. Pre teaching and progression is planned for, so that children are increasingly challenged as they move through school.
EYFS physical development is a prime area of learning. We plan opportunities to be active and interactive; and to develop their co-ordination, control, and movement. Children are also helped to understand the importance of physical activity. They learn to make healthy choices in relation to exercise and food. We aim to deliver this with a mix of adult led and child- initiated activities. We aim to provide opportunities for children to develop their fundamental movement skills through adult led sessions ( following the Lancashire PE EYFS scheme of work) and our outdoor Fundamental skills area.
Impact - What will it look like when we have achieved our intent?
There are hundreds of ways that we can demonstrate the excellent impact our curriculum design has on our pupils. In a nutshell, here are some examples:
- Sports funding has been used to allow staff a significant amount of CPD training in Physical education.
- Sports funding has been used to employ a PE specialist teaching assistant to ensure that PE is being taught consistently throughout school.
- Sports funding has been used to purchase equipment and train young leaders to deliver or play active games during breaktimes and lunch times.
- The school offers a broad range of extra curricular provision, Fun fitness, cheerleading, Tri golf, Hand ball, Girls and boys football, Netball for boys and girls, Archery, Volleyball, dodgeball, fencing, non-contact boxing and Yoga.
- It is widely recognised that Obesity is a serious health concern for children living in the UK. Government findings suggest the problem begins early. excess weight is gained before a child starts school. 22% of Reception aged children are overweight or Obese across England. 34% of Y6 children are obese across England according to 2020 PHE measures. Once established, obesity tracks through childhood and adolescence. This is a major concern as being overweight or obese is associated with adverse health outcomes both long term and short term. Improving dietry choices and increasing activity levels are key to this agenda. Physical activity at Seven Stars Primary school is an inherent part of our school ethos. Children are encouraged to make healthy life choices.
P.E kit
All children need to have a PE kit in school. This comprises of:
black shorts
black tracksuit bottoms or leggings
black pumps or black trainers
White t-shirt
red hoody
Each piece of child`s clothing should be named and kept in a labelled pump bag.
School Games Competitions
At Seven Stars, we are part of the South Ribble Sports Partnership. We have children from both Ks1 & Ks2 participating in Level 2 competitions such as netball, football, tag rugby and change4life inclusion events. Take a look at our Competition calendar below. We also have after school sports clubs delivered by South Ribble coaches which take place every half-term - different year groups will be offered different sports on a rotational basis so everyone will have the chance to try something new. For a full list of this years after school clubs please see the document below. Recently we have even had fencing and boxing!
Healthy schools & Healthy lifestyles
We have achieved the 'Healthy Schools Physical Activity Quality Standard.' We are dedicated to ensuring that our children know how to leave healthy active life styles. As part of this, all our children from Year 1 upwards complete the Daily active breaktime.
Our Year 5 class (Leo Class) and Year 6 class ( Phoenix class) go swimming every Thursday morning at Leyland Leisure Centre where they have lessons delivered by a specialist swimming instructor. Swimming caps must be worn and earrings should be removed.