At Seven Stars school we have very high ambitions for the children in our school and our ‘Open Doors’ curriculum is designed for them to perform well in all areas of the curriculum.


Despite the recent and ongoing challenges of the pandemic our children have continued to make progress in their learning and achieve success.


During ‘lockdown’ we supported these ongoing achievements through:

  • Provision of high quality work in line with national curriculum expectations using our Class Dojo learning platform (and feedback was provided on work done by pupils)
  • live and recorded lessons
  • one to one phone calls or virtual sessions
  • the offer of places in school for vulnerable learners or children of key workers
  • lap-tops and devices to support home learning
  • copies of worksheets and learning packs for those who requested it
  • facebook assemblies to celebrate learning, deliver key messages and continue to focus on our school values
  • pastoral home visits by our teachers and mentors


We know that children are currently continuing to make good progress through monitoring the wonderful work in their books, observations of lessons that indicate high levels of engagement and quality responses, conversations with the children about their learning and the knowledge they can recall, and hearing the children read with increasing fluency, confidence and understanding.


Our most recent in-school assessments indicate that the children are on track towards recovery of lost ‘face to face’ learning time and whilst we know this will take some time due to the impact of the last few months we are using our Catch-up Premium funding and all other resources to provide high quality support in staffing, interventions and resources so no child is left behind.


The recent phonics assessments of our newly introduced Phonics Shed programme is very promising whilst the progress observed from the introduction and on-going roll out of the new Red Rose Maths Mastery programme is also encouraging.


Whilst the published data relates to the core subjects of reading, writing and maths as well as EYFS, we also assess pupils in all Foundation subjects at the end of each term and full year.

We are seeing high levels of engagement and progress from the pupils in all subjects and especially big improvements in MFL (Spanish) and Music since the start of the year in particular.


Over the academic year we gather information about the academic performance of our pupils in several ways and these include:

  • daily ongoing ‘formative’ assessments (through such strategies as ‘live’ marking, whole class feedback grids, effective questioning, hearing children read, times-tables speed grids retrieval practice questions, PE ‘passport’ App, etc)
  • termly assessments using more standardised means in English and Maths as well as teacher assessments against national curriculum expectations (using Lancashire ‘KLIPs’) for all Foundation Subjects (entered on Lancashire Pupil Tracker with follow-up pupil progress meetings and use of PIVATs for SEN pupils) and phonics assessments 
  • September to October: baseline assessments in Reception (and Nursery)
  • Autumn: Year 2 Phonics check
  • May: Year 6 (end of Key Stage 2) tests in Reading, Maths and SPAG (Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation)
  • June: Phonics screening check for Year 1

                EYFS profile (assessments against the Early Learning Goals) for Reception

                Year 2 (end of Key Stage 1) tests in Reading, Writing and Maths

                Multiplication (times-tables) check for Year 4

                Year 6 writing assessments (teacher assessed)


Please note, the data published below relates to the 2018/19 academic year and is not current. This is because statutory testing was suspended during the Covid-19 pandemic.




DfE Performance Table