17 February 2022

Image of Islam Awareness Day for Key Stage Two

We had a wonderful visit to our school by Imran Kotwal from ‘Muslim Learners’.


Imran led an assembly for children from Years 3 to 6 when he told us all about what Muslims believe and in particular he focused on the Five Pillars of Islam.


Imran is from Bolton and a big Manchester United fan! He really helped our children understand what ordinary Muslims believe and how they celebrate and follow their faith.


He brought with him several artefacts as well as a copy of the Qur’an which he displayed and then showed us a video all about the Five Pillars.


Imran taught us about the importance to Muslims of:

  1. Shahada (Belief)
  2. Salat (Prayer)
  3. Zakat (giving charity)
  4. Sawm (fasting, including Ramadan & Eid)
  5. Hajj (pilgrimage, in particular to Mecca)

  He then went around the Key Stage Two classes teaching about each of the five pillars and also stories from the life of Muhammed.


This day was a way of raising our awareness of the world, of the faith of Islam and as a launch pad into understanding belief. We will be inviting people of other faiths to come into school and tell us about their ‘lived faith’.


This was also part of our Respect week and we were so proud of all the children showing such respect in listening to Imran tell us about his faith and hopefully they will now have an even better understanding.