3 April 2023
We've had a great term with so much going on. Please read the latest blog to see a list of all the events that have taken place.
We are so proud of all our children who are continuing to work hard, show fantastic resilience and achieve so many amazing things.
We are looking forward to a wonderful Summer term and some of the events taking place can be seen in the events section of this web-site but I have listed the main events below to look forward to:
Wednesday 19th April -ROCK KIDZ
Thursday 27th April - PTFA meeting (parents invited)
Wednesday 3rd May - Parents Afternoon/early evening meet the teacher appointments
Friday 5th May - Coronation celebration exhibition and meadow-plant
Friday 26th May - OPAL parents, friends and children picnic and fun lunch
Tuesday 20th June (am) - Years 1 to 6 Sports morning
Wednesday 21st June (am) - Nursery and Reception Sports morning
Wednesday 5th July (after school) - Summer Fair (PTFA)